The Student Representative Council consists of the Head Prefect, his/her deputy, a secretary, a treasurer and respective heads of various boards ie BOBM, BOCM, BOTW, BOL.
Boards Of Disciplinarians
The Board of Disciplinarians or BOD mainly consists of 4 sub boards which are Board of Prefects, Board of Traffic Wardens, Board of Break Monitors and Board of Class Monitors. These boards are created to assist the smooth running of the school discipline. The Board of Librarians are however not included under the Board of Disciplinarians although having a badge and is often mistaken as a member of the main board.
Board of Prefects
The Board of Prefects or commonly known as BOP is the main board of the Board of Disciplinarians and is the elite board among the other sub boards in the school. In order to enter the Board of Prefects, oneself has to be a disciplinarian in their current board. The BOP is however leaded by the disciplinary council which is also considered the EXCOs of the Board of Prefects who work directly under the advise of discipline teachers. The disciplinary council positions are as follows: Head Prefect, Deputy Head Prefect, Lady Head Prefect, Honourary Treasurer, Chairman of BOTW, Chairman of BOBM, Chairman of BOCM.
The 7 Disciplinary Counctil members which were mentioned above will be the one to decide to promote and confirm prefects be it to Junior to Senior and Probationary Junior to Junior Prefects. The disciplinary council will be the one alongside teacher advisors to decide the recruitment of new prefects.
Board of Traffic Wardens
The Board of Traffic Wardens of commonly known as BOTW is a sub board of the BOD. This board only accept students who are Form 4 or higher. Member of this board are required to help to ensure a smooth flow of discipline as well as ensure a smooth running of traffic in and out the school compound. BOTW is lead by the Chairman which is a member of the Disciplinary Council. Elected EXCOs are required to assist the Chairman for the smooth running of the boards administration. The Chairman is helped by the Vice Chairman, Social Secretary, Treasurer and EXCO. EXCOs of the respective boards have the right to promote Junior Traffic Wardens to Senior Traffic Warden after going through interviews, etc. in a Combined General Boards Meeting.
Board of Break Monitors
Board of Break Monitors or commonly known as BOBM is a sub board of the BOD. This board accepts lower secondary students as well since the recess break time for both lower and upper secondary students are different. Member of this board are required to help to ensure a smooth flow of discipline in the canteen. BOBM is lead by the Chairman which is a member of the Disciplinary Council. Elected EXCOs are required to assist the Chairman for the smooth running of the boards administration. The Chairman is helped by the Vice Chairman, Social Secretary, Treasurer and Lower Secondary Head. EXCOs of the respective boards have the right to promote Junior Break Monitors to Senior Break Monitors after going through interviews, etc. in a Combined General Boards Meeting.
Board of Class Monitors
Board of Class Monitors or commonly known as BOCM is a sub board of the BOD. This boards has members in every form. A class will have 3 BOCM members being the Class Monitors, Assistant Class Monitor and the Class Treasurer. This board is unarguably the biggest board in the BOD. Member of this board are required to help the teachers in maintaining the class discipline. BOCM is lead by the Chairman which is a member of the Disciplinary Council. Elected EXCOs are required to assist the Chairman for the smooth running of the boards administration. The Chairman is helped by the Vice Chairman, Social Secretary, Secretary and Treasurer. EXCOs of the respective boards have the right to promote Junior Class Monitors to Senior Class Monitors and the class would have to re-nominate a student in the class to replace the position of the ex-Class Monitors.
Board of Librarians
This board is commonly known as the BOL. This is a non-disciplinary board which has its own system and is separated from the Board of Disciplinarians. There are times when the BOD would combine with the BOL for camps organizations and for inauguration celebration purposes. This board ensures a smooth running of the books in the library. BOL is lead by a Chief Librian and is helped by its EXCOs which are the Deputy Chief Librarian I and II, Secretary, Treasurer and Auditor. They too, have a senior-junior position in their boards.